Fall 2022 Offense

Date- Oct 15 2022


Written by Anna O’Donoghue

About from Goodreads.com

After a soul-crushing Tinder date, a woman returns to her apartment to cook some squid and seethe. Her eye starts to itch; her memory starts to skip, and she starts to spiral. Offense is an auditory explosion and an exploration of the rash of loneliness...and what happens when the voices inside our heads start to warp.


  • Funny

  • I understood how the main character, my mind whorls like her

  • The Narrator 

  • The ending was shocking

Quotes I love

  • “It's Clear as to who wears the pants” - Unnamed main character

  • Okay he has no sense of humor.

  • Okay back to job interview 


    I was super happy with how easy it was to relate to  the main character. With having ADHD during conversation you have a completely different conversation in your head. I feel like most books dont have people that show mental illness to this level. Another thing I relate to is having social anxiety and being nervous around others. The third thing I related to is when I think too much I begin to spiral just like she did. 

    The last thing I really enjoyed was the ending, I was so shocked by it and I didn't expect it.

5 /5 ⭐️


Trigger warning-  Mental Health, Gore

Spice level-  0/ 5 🌶


Other books in the Series-NA

Publish date-June 2022


Genres- Metaphysical, Visionary, Mental Illness, 


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