Fall 2022 The Cabin

Date- 9.19.22-10.10.22

Reading in a book club

 The Cabin

Written by Jasinda Wilder

About from Goodreads.com

One year ago, I buried my husband. 

One year ago, I held his hand and said goodbye. 

Now I spend most of my days lost somewhere between trying to remember every smallest detail of our lives and trying to forget it all. I fill my hours with work until I’m too exhausted to remember him, to feel anything at all. 

One year, 365 days—and then one knock at my door changes everything. A letter from him, the last request, a secret will: 

My dearest Nadia,

Trust me, my love. One last time, trust me. Sometimes the epilogue to one story is the beginning of another.


  • So Detailed


  • The cabins and the town they are by reminding me of my family’s cabin

  • The ending was cute


  • Don't feel connected to the characters, like I could care less about what happens to them  

  • Characters are boring

  • Toxic relationships 

Quotes I love

  • Oh, the irony,” he laughs. “Buying tea as a gift while in Boston researching the Revolutionary War.” -Adrian

  • “I know. I just… I have to write this.” -Adrian

  • “Oh, what a pile of moose poop.” -Tess

3/5 ⭐️

Recommended to-People that enjoy reading about toxic relationships


Trigger warning-  Death of a Spouse, Cancer, Alcoholism 

Spice level- 3 / 5 🌶

Trope- Friends to Lovers, Widows

Other books in the Series-NA

Publish date-October 2020


Genres- Romance, Drama


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